Sports Injuries and Chiropractic
Spring has started in Seattle and that means baseball practices have started! This is the time of year when little arms need to be warmed up properly in order to prevent overuse injuries, especially when pitching. Most players I know haven't thrown a baseball very consistently since summer ball last year. Getting to practice on time and playing catch will allow young arms to warm up and help prevent the overuse injuries that can happen, especially at the start of the season when the weather can be cold and damp. Also, there is a huge rise in the number of high school kids requiring elbow surgery (known as Tommy John surgery after the pitcher it was pioneered after). One way to prevent this is to avoid having Little Leaguers throw curve balls until they get closer to high school. Any child in the Minors Division or below (typically 11 or younger) should not be putting that much pressure on their arms as throwing a curve ball does. So remember... warm up those arms and NO CURVEBALLS until proper arm development occurs!